Many times people push the homosexual agenda, in spite of their evident association with the Catholic Church. It is clear that the Church cares for all of humanity, and it is also clear that the Church has consistently taught for near 2000 years that homosexuality is not of benefit to the fulfillment of mankind or womankind, for that matter. Nevertheless, many supposed Catholics promote and seek to live in this lifestyle. The Catechism of the Catholic Church strikingly notes, "Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection (CCC #2359)."
In spite of this teaching, some have taken it upon themselves to continue to push the homosexual agenda, which includes the legalization of same-sex marriage. One can note this report from yesterday over at RealCatholicTV.com:
We must keep abreast of these proceedings as our very culture is based on the building block of marriage between one man and one woman. From this union of man and woman comes the birth of children who are able to grow and live in a stable family environment where the complementariy of mother and father demonstrate how society is supposed to live in harmony.
For many, this sounds like a "pipe dream". Many do not have the experience of a father and mother who are seeking to love and serve one another. Nevertheless, this is the great challenge for those of us who consider ourselves practicing Catholics: we must live the love of Christ in our marriages and our parentage. This includes the priesthood in those whom the priest "spiritually-fathers-in-Christ." Each of us who have come to know the sacrifce of Jesus and his love for humanity must see that our own lives are the witnesses for the world of how human love can establish a more just and caring society by the choice to love, NOT - it should be noted - by a government mandate.
While marriage continues to be attacked as an institution by the homosexual lobby and those who have been duped into believing that homosexual couples are equal to heterosexual couples - which ostensibly they are not - we Catholics must reflect on our witness of marriage in the world. We must reflect on our prudent choice to love in spite of our spouse's sinfulness and for the sake of the holiness of our spouse. I, for one, know that I am thankful for my wife who calls me to holiness daily.
Beyond that let us pray for both Britain who is "giving children away" and India "who is now trying to increase sterilziation procedures." I recommend that everyone who reads this sign up for RealCatholicTV.com as a free member - the news alone is worth it!
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