Do you know a true man of God? What does he look like? Certainly he serves Christ above all else, in his family, in his relationships, in his priesthood (whether as an ordained priest or as a lay man who offers spiritual sacrifices to God), but how would know. A few months back a horrific display of the lusts and rebelliousness of mankind against God took place when self-proclaimed Feminists took to the streets of Argentina to attack the Cathedral there. While the Bishop prayed with others for these people, some men took up arms (literally) to defend the Church and the Holy Eucharist inside. Pray for these men of Argentina, pray for the women in this video, pray for Holy Mother Church who now is being beset on all sides from the vicious and bold attacks of mankind that has forgotten the Love of God:
Before you read further, please watch the above video, if you have not.
Michael Voris over at ChurchMilitant.TV had this to say:
We must ask ourselves: could we have done this as well? Could we defend the Holy Eucharist from those who would seek to desecrate it. And, perhaps more necessarily, do we know others and associate with others who are able to do this as well? For our parish, the Men's Group meets on the First Wednesday of each month at 8:30pm. The Daughters of Jerusalem Women's Group meets on the 4th Wednesday of most every month. The Militia Immaculata meets on the 1st Wednesday from 7pm-8pm. Consider joining others as we learn, encourage and live our Holy Catholic Faith. The time may be coming when we will need each other to fight and endure persecution.
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